I realise that it is not your business to take care of The Futurist, but it was the only E-mail address I was able to find (short of broadcasting my misfortune to the 200+ people on the wfs-talk mailing list). I would appreciate very much your forwarding this message to the appropriate people.
I would like to suggest publishing the E-mail address of the WFS contacts, if any, in The Futurist. Is there a plan to establish a World-Wide Web Site for an eventual electronic publication of The Futurist? If so, I would like to know if you are considering putting out an RFP tender call of some sort. Thank you very much for your attention.
In "The Futurist", Robert Schley <schley@tmn.com> writes:
Until we have such a node or home page established, you are right, I am the closest thing we have to an e-mail address.
The possibility is endless. Imagine the power of hypertext membership directory, hyperlinks knowledge base and intelligent agent to assemble a personalised "The Future Library", pay-per-read distribution of articles from the WFS Home Page, etc. HyperInfo Canada Inc. wouldn't mind being considered for such a WFS Home Page project...