Pay-Per-Value Service concept (Pay-Per-Call, Pay-Per-Use, Pay-Per-Used, Pay-Per-View)
Productivity with Artificial Intelligence
1-900 Internet Tips Line
Date | 1995
HyperInfo Collaboragent Services
Date | on-going
HyperInfo Empowerment Services
Date | on-going
Concept Representation and Knowledge Packet Processing
Date | on-going
Unified Legal Knowledge Representation and Delivery System
Date | on-going
1-900 Knowledge Processing Centre
Date | 1994
Customised Greeting Card Service
Date | 1990
Software Titles
HyperInfo Intelligent Knowledge Object Organisation System (Version 2.3) (Shareware)
Distribution ......... Internet, eWorld
Publication .......... ISBN 0-929105-01-X
Date ................. 1995
Hardware ............. Apple Macintosh
Software ............. HyperTalk, AppleScript
Intelligent HyperCard stackware
HyperCard Object Organiser
Personal Knowledge Organiser
HTML File Organiser
05 | Project Leader(s)
Go Simon Sunatori, P.Eng., M.Eng.
E-mail .................
Telephone .............. +1-819-595-9210
Facsimile .............. +1-819-595-9229
06 | Targetted Audience: Size, Diversity and Scope
Canadian citizens and permanent residents who wish to study at Canadian universities.
Foreigners who wish to study at Canadian universities as international students.
07 | Description of Content, Product and/or Service
The Personalised University Selection Service will help prospective students select the most suitable universities in Canada. The core of the system is a Knowledge-Based System driven by an Inference Engine with a Personal Profile.
A prospective student who is looking for his/her most suitable universities in Canada will access a bilingual Internet World-Wide Web site from the SchoolNet/Rescol Home Page. There, he/she will find a Web client browser form and fill out the following items.
Language of instruction (English, French, Bilingual)
Location (province, territory)
Field of study (faculty, department, program)
Degree to be pursued (B.Sc., M.Eng., M.D., etc.)
Rough budget for tuition fee (dollar range)
Aptitude (high school marks in percentage range)
Based on the choices made in the form, the intelligent system on the Web server will identify best-suited Canadian universities and generate a personalised report with hyperlinks to particular faculties or departments. The user is now ready to examine each program identified by visiting the Web sites one by one.
08 | Originality and Creativity of Project
The Personalised University Selection Service will use a knowledge-based system and an inference engine to generate the personalised list, not just a Boolean text search mechanism.
The bilingual knowledge base must contain the names of faculties, departments and programs of Canadian universities. This may involve developing standardised format or protocol for automatic information capture from the participating universities. Close cooperation with the universities is the key to a successful service.
The Personalised University Selection Service is a part of a series of HyperInfo Collaboragent Services based on the pay-per-value service concept. The novel pay-per-used payment mechanism provides the end user with a free access to the service. The cost of the service will be shared by the information providers, i.e., the Canadian universities. Whenever a particular university is mentioned in the list generated, the system issues an E-coupon (e.g. $0.50 CAD per mention in a report), which will be reimbursed by the university on a weekly or monthly basis to recoup the maintenance cost of the service. The report with access details will also provide the universities with valuable demographic information.
08 | Benefits and Impact on Targetted Group(s)
The Personalised University Selection Service will be much more useful than the gross generalisation and stereotyping of the university ranking in MacLean's magazine because the output report is customised for each user. The system will help empower the user to become the judge of his/her own fate and destiny.
With most of the universities on the Internet, if not all, it is quite easy for prospective students to visit the World-Wide Web sites and explore the programs offered by each institution. However, the process is time-consuming because one has to go through webs of hyperlinks and the vast amount of irrelevant information, in addition to non-standard and even anarchic organisation of their Web sites.
The Personalised University Selection Service attempts to address a large vacuum of the present Internet situation - the lack of opportunity to identify willing sources of unpretentious knowledge, i.e. the only way to identify these is through sifting all the noise to find the true signal.
The use of Personalised University Selection Service will result in more effective and efficient use of high school resources, let alone the Internet bandwidth.
knowledge-base maintenance ..................... $5 000 CAD per year
telecommunications charges ..................... $5 000 CAD per year
10 | Commercial Potential
The Personalised University Selection Service has potential to be commercially successful and generate sales and revenues for HyperInfo Canada Inc., a Canadian-Controlled Private Corporation. The potential for return on investment and the potential for becoming self-funding are both high, if enough universities participate.
11 | Partners and/or Consultations
EXIMEX Associates
Mr. A.R. Gouin, P.Eng. M.Sc.(EE), principal of EXIMEX Associates has
agreed to support this project.
Resources that could be applied to this effort include the fields
Systems Engineering
Telecommunications Networking
Software Engineering
Multimedia Imaging and Graphics
Artificial Intelligence
Collaborator Agents
Machine Translation
Scientific and Technical Bilingual Terminology Acquisition and Creation
Small Business Accounting
Executive Assistance
12 | Time required to develop project
Start of the project
Establishment of hardware, software, telecommunications links (ISDN and Internet)
Coding of World-Wide Web interface software
Development of knowledge base
Integration of the inference engine with knowledge base