1996-10-10|Sunatori's Coined Neologism/Néologisme
Creations of Words and Phrases
3-dimensional Scrabble
cf. 3-dimensional Chess
A multimedia movie is worth a thousand pictures or a million words.
cf. A picture is worth a thousand words.
A Super-Asper-Girl
"Asper-Girl" + "A Super-Girl"
weight after caca, before caca
aesthetically-unchallenged, adj.
not aesthetically-challenged
adultproof, adj.
difficult-to-open package
cf. childproof
Aerobic-Kettlebell-Yoga (AKY)
combined Aerobic + Kettlebell + Yoga
Ahead from the past!
cf. Back to the future!
all-season snowbird
digital nomad
cf. kryptonite
arrow of logic
cf. arrow of time
absolute simplicity, ultimate consistency, complete organisation
atomolecule, n.
atom + molecule
auto-incorrection, n.
auto-magically, adv.
automatically + magically
Automation of Lifestyle (AoL)
cf. Internet of Things (IoT)
AvocaChide, n.
avocado + arachide (peanut butter)
cf. good-bye
bed theatre
cf. home theatre
bedroom astronomy
to view stars with a telescope in the bedroom
cf. backyard astronomy
cf. afterlife
Behind the Scenes (B.S.)
cf. Bull Shit (B.S.)
Beyond Human
cf. Beyond Meat
a big sandwich
bikecam, n.
cf. dashcam, webcam
bilingophone, n.
cf. bilingual
bilingual Scrabble
first language horizontal, second language vertical
binge-mapping, n.
the practice of entering mapping data for a prolonged time span into Google Maps, WiFi Map, etc.
cf. binge-watching
black lie
cf. white lie
Bloopers & Successes (BS)
cf. Bull Shit (BS)
boyle, v.t., v.i.
to conveniently forget.
to sign a document without an intention to remember
origin: Jean Boyle, Canadian Chief of Defence Staff
brain weather
clear or foggy
brelunper, n.
single meal per day
breakfast + lunch + supper
cf. brunch, lunper
brownscale of skin colours
cf. greyscale
BUBAR (Broken Up Beyond All Repair)
cf. FUBAR (Fucked Up Beyond All Repair)
bus lag
cf. jet lag
café au lait sans lait
café au lait without milk (lait)
Carpenters Syndrome
"Rainy days and Mondays always get me down"
catch 2 stones with 1 bird
cf. "kill two birds with one stone"
Chiareal, n.
chia seeds + cereals
Chief IP Strategist (CHIPS)
intellectual property
ChiliGPO (Garlic, Pepper, Onion)
chili with garlic, pepper, onion
cloud tectonics
cf. plate tectonics
coffee fly
cf. fruit fly
colddog, n.
cf. hotdog
complification, n.
the act of making something complicated
cf. simplification
complify, v.t., v.i.
to make something complicated
cf. simplify
concretebow, n.
cf. rainbow
condom, v.t., v.i.
to protect oneself from any kind of menace with a shield
consistenfication, n.
the act of making something consistent
cf. simplification
consistenfy, v.t., v.i.
to make something consistent
cf. simplify
couch experiment
to play with magnets on the couch
cf. thought experiment
Creativity/Imagination/Ingenuity/Originality Quotient (CIIOQ)
cf. IQ, EQ, AQ
crystal-clarify, v.t., v.i.
cf. crystal clear
crystal clean
cf. crystal clear
"Curse you!" after farting
cf. "Bless you!" after sneezing
cyclonym, n.
e.g., Nansi + Simon = NanSimoNanSimo...
delection, n.
a time when people vote in order to choose someone away from a political or official job
cf. election
diamond-hard, adj.
cf. rock-solid
diconvergence, n.
divergence followed by convergence
digital yesmad
c.f. digital nomad
directional logic
logic with space-time directionality
downleft, adj.
cf. downright
downvillage, n.
cf. downtown
downwrong, adj.
cf. downright
dracula, v.t., v.i.
to give blood
drink and ride
cf. drink and drive
duck-goose blindness
unable to differentiate between a duck and a goose
efficiencist, n.
one who pursues ever-higher efficiency
efficiencychaser, n.
cf. stormchaser
eggceptional, adj.
exceptional (egg)
eggpox, n.
cf. smallpox, chickenpox
electrino, n.
cf. neutron -> neutrino
embryo steps
exponential growth (2 ^ n)
cf. baby steps
enability, n.
antonym of disability
enemyship, n.
cf. friendship
evil devil
a mother-in-law
cf. international
e.g., Andorra-La Seu d'Urgell Airport (IATA: LEU, ICAO: LESU)
cf. Facebook
flagify, v.t., v.i.
to transform a logo into a physical flag
Fondue Sunatorian
fondue with free-style ingredients
fool's kryptonite
cf. fool's gold
fool's meteorite
cf. fool's gold
fool's quartz
cf. fool's gold
adverse reaction to backlash
French-toasted English muffin
French toast + English muffin
frontpack, n.
cf. backpack
fropasa, n.
fromage + patate + sauce
F*cking Fr*strating!
fuckus-shitus maudis-merdes
Functional Knowledge Representation
cf. Functional Programming
funful pain
cf. painful fun
fusilli code (in Pasta Theory of Programming)
marketer-driven programming with a spin to make bad code look good
(Gatineau, QC, Canada) + (Hull, QC, Canada) + (Aylmer, QC, Canada)
Generative Knowledge-packet Transformer (GKT)
cf. Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT)
Ginkgo circle
cf. crop circle
Ginkgo dynamics
cf. rock dynamics
Ginkgo personality
gip, n.
an upside-down pig
global simplification
cf. global optimization
God's sequence
DNA sequence that gives life
cf. God's particle (neutrino)
goop, v.t.
to apply Goop
government of the people, by the people, for the lawyers
government of the people, by the people, for the people
Greatest minds discuss concepts.
cf. Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people.
N.B. An idea is a mental construct of "what" you want to do, and the concept is the mental roadmap of "how" to do it.
Ground -1
worse than Ground 0 (zero)
guacammus, n.
origin: guacamole + hummus
Have a good two.
cf. Have a good one.
Hexagonal Chess
cf. 3-dimensional Chess
Hexagonal Scrabble
cf. 3-dimensional Chess
high-hanging fruit
cf. low-hanging fruit
holeclectic, adj.
encompassing the whole of a thing composed of elements drawn from various sources (holistic + eclectic)
holéclectique, adj.
englobant la totalité d'une chose composée d'éléments tirés de diverses sources (holistique + éclectique)
hollamid, n.
origin: hollow pyramid
horizontal illusion
cf. vertical reality
HyperAutomation of LifeStyle (HAoLS)
cf. Internet of Things (IoT)
BNR/NT CMOS Standard Cell Library
cf. multicultural
hypocritical hype expressions
e.g., "The worst could be yet to come." -> "The sky could fall."
iBoss, n.
an idiot boss
incomprehensible inconsistency
extremely confusing
Infinite Diversity in Infinite Permutations
cf. Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations (Vulcan)
invisible majority
cf. visible minority
iron opportunity
cf. golden opportunity
Judge, and you will be judged. (corollary)
Jesus Christ: "Judge not, and you will not be judged."
ketchunnaise, n.
ketchup + mayonnaise
kilometrepost, n.
cf. milestone
kinueen, n.
king + queen (unisex)
(Kiruna, Sweden) + (Narvik, Norway)
Left Honourable (Lt Hon.)
cf. Right Honourable (Rt Hon.)
liberal sciences
cf. liberal arts
lifestyle automation
automation of lifestyle
Live short and die!
cf. Live long and prosper! (Vulcan)
logicalist, n.
one whose actions are based on logic
Logically Structured Reasoning (LSR)
cf. Case-Based Reasoning (CBR), CASE
longcut, n.
cf. shortcut
lonsdaleite-solid, adj.
cf. diamond-hard
MacroShit Windoze
cf. Microsoft Windows
mask-to-mask conversation
cf. face-to-face conversation
Matchocoffee, n.
matcha + chocolate + coffee
Matchocoffeevin, n.
matcha + chocolate + coffee + wine
Matchoffee, n.
matcha + coffee
meltimedia, n.
melting-good multimedia
mayochup, n.
mayonnaise + ketchup
micro-glacier, n.
year-around snow on the ground
mustannaise, n.
mustard + mayonnaise
Most Efficiently ...
merdog, n.
barking dog
meteoleft, n.
cf. copyleft
microkernel lifestyle
computer science
microkernel parenthood
computer science
mirror-project, v.
mirror content from a mobile device via a projector
a nickname of Michèle
moleculatom, n.
molecule + atom
monomath, n.
cf. polymath
Maudi Shit Network
name laundering
turning infamous into famous
cf. money laundering
cf. minuscule
naturally-broken clothes
naturally-broken shirts and pants
new way of making hybrids
cf. handkerchief
new hybrid kind
cf. kryptonite
night hallucination
cf. day dream
Nobel Memorial Prize in Life Hacks
cf. Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences
an individual who doesn't subscribe to any "ism"
non-pecking woodpecker
cf. woodpecker
non-pop corn = popless corn
cooked corn
noximoron, n.
a figure of speech in which noxious terms appear in conjunction
cf. xymoron
No Fucking Way
cf. WTF (What The Fuck)
nothing to report
going around and around in roundabouts/traffic circles
cf. U-turn
Oldtonian mechanics
cf. Newtonian mechanics
cf. New-Skin
olive oil + red wine sediment + MSG
cf. multicultural
cf. on-demand
ORANGE traffic light
between AMBER (YELLOW) and RED
still legal
cf. kryptonite
outsight, n.
cf. New-Skin
cf. communication
painful fun
cf. funful pain
pastism, n.
cf. futurism
pastistic, adj.
cf. futuristic
peabut, n.
peanut butter
Peace, Order, and Sage Government (POSG)
cf. Peace, Order, and Good Government (POGG)
Peace, Order, and Wise Government (POWG)
cf. Peace, Order, and Good Government (POGG)
a culture of one
weather alert
cf. minuscule
PIMBY (Please in My Backyard)
cf. NIMBY (Not in My Backyard)
pitanic, n.
a picnic in which pita bread is eaten
Pizza Sunatorian
pizza with free-style ingredients
pizzanic, n.
a picnic in which pizza is eaten
platinum ratio
cf. golden ratio
toe socks
Pneu canadien
cf. Canadian Tire
positrino, n.
cf. neutron -> neutrino
poopification, n.
making something into poop
powderbow, n.
cf. rainbow
powerless nap
cf. power nap
GPT pre-processor for OpenGPT
premature excretion
cf. premature ejaculation
presclean, n.
almost clean
origin: presque clean
presentism, n.
cf. futurism
priority-pack, v.
pack according to priority
progressive self-deterioration
protrino, n.
cf. neutron -> neutrino
pucknic, n.
a picnic in which pucks (Quinolent GREEN) are eaten
quatrèfle, n.
feuilles à quatre folioles (trèfle à quatre feuilles)
quanputer, n.
quantum computer
qualtum, n.
cf. quantum
quicksnow, n.
cf. quicksand
quinolent, n.
of quinoa
quinolent GREEN, quinolent ORANGE
cf. kryptonite
reality-distortion lensing
cf. reality-distortion field
cf. gravitational lensing
resonant crystallization
sculptures are crystallized spirituality (ST:DSC)
re-purposely, adv.
on re-purpose
BNR/NT robotic Work-Group Administrator
roughie, n.
cf. smoothie
(R & D) + IP
research & development plus intellectual property
Second Nation
cf. First Nation
sharkulpture, n.
shark-shaped sculpture
Shoedal, n.
shoe + sandal
Shokon, n.
cf. Daikon
simplism, n.
a trend that uses simple forms
cf. minimalism
simplist, n.
a person who advocates or practices simplism
cf. minimalist
simul-cook, v.t., v.i.
to cook simultaneously with somebody else via the Internet
singing antihero
unsung hero
singularitification, n.
the act of making it a singularity
singularitify, v.t., v.i.
to make it a singularity
slinkification, n.
the act of making something slinky
slinkify, v.t., v.i.
to make something slinky
cf. snowflake
cf. footprint
sold milk
butter, cheese
solotopia, n.
being/doing alone
cf. utopia (modern), eutopia (postmodern), protopia (metamodern)
Spaghetti Sunatorian
spaghetti with free-style ingredients
Square 0
worse than Square 1 (one)
Structurally-Sound Simplicity
straightbackward, adj.
complicated and difficult to do or understand.
cf. straghtforward
sudic, adj.
cf. nordic
Suicide Valley
a steep hill to the bottom of a valley
sunatori, v.
innovate through life hacks
cf. MacGyver, v. (make, form, or repair (something) with what is conveniently on hand)
sunatorite, n.
microscopic petrified faeces of Cactophagus sunatoriorum
cf. coprolite
sunbrella, n.
origin: sun + umbrella
sungoggles, n.
cf. sunglasses
Super Crap.
cf. Super C
super-vortex, n.
consolidate cyclone, hurricane, typhoon
Switched-Off Syndrome (S.O.S.)
cf. Switched-On Syndrome (S.O.S.)
tac, n.
an upside-down cat
tapsticks, n.
a pair of conductive elastomer tip styli held together in one hand
TeaVegeVin, n.
tea (thé) + vegetable (légumes) + vin (wine)
TeaVin, n.
tea (thé) + vin (wine)
A True Father of ...
Thank Tac!
cf. Thank God! -> Thank Dog! -> Thank Cat! -> ?
The Best of All Worlds
cf. The Best of Both Worlds
The Day After Yesterday
cf. The Day After Tomorrow
The Day Before Tomorrow
cf. The Day After Tomorrow
The multiverse is the limit.
cf. The sky is the limit.
The universe is the limit.
cf. The sky is the limit.
Think Thrice
Think, Think, Think! (Jimmy Neutron)
cf. Think Twice
Tiny Language Model (TLM)
minimalist knowledge representation
cf. Large Language Model (LLM)
thought provocateur extreme extraordinaire
extraordinarily extreme thought-provoking
code: ten-ten (10-10)
code: ten-zero (10-0)
cf. communication
unnecessary good
cf. necessary evil
upleft, adj.
cf. upright
upvillage, n.
cf. uptown
upwrong, adj.
cf. upright
Use the Logic!
cf. Use the Force!
VegeVin, n.
vegetable (légume) + vin (wine)
VéroMask, n.
a high-quality fabric mask produced by prominent Canadian artist
Véronique Sunatori, MFA, BFA
V10, n.
cf. V8
cf. Walmart
War and short life!
cf. Peace and long life! (Vulcan)
washroom theatre
cf. home theatre
Waves Against the Current
cf. Against the Current
weldbond, v.t.
to apply Weldbond
wet cleaning
cf. dry cleaning
wine on the rocks
"on the rocks" means serving an alcoholic beverage in a cocktail glass with ice
cf. whiskey on the rocks
WTD (worse than dead)
cf. WTF (what the fuck)
WTS (worse than shit)
cf. WTF (what the fuck)
ZIPPER cells
BNR/NT CMOS Standard Cell Library
Zoomless Zoom
Zoom app
cf. kryptonite
cf. Zambini
[used for both positive and negative senses]
blessing, n.
magically, adv.
miracle, n.
thanks to
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