Even after I established a connection with the Internet Service Provider earlier this year, I kept my eWorld account only because of the "official" on-line technical support which had an excellent turnaround time as well as accuracy. When eWorld folded, it was announced that there would be some sort of on-line technical support on the Apple web site later in 1996.
I realise that the financial turmoil that Apple experienced since then may have bumped the priority of this plan. Although I appreciate the assistance from the fellow users in the newsgroups, I do think that voices from the Apple technical support and developers themselves, even if they are "semi-official", would help the Apple user community as well as reducing the high cost to maintain the 1-800 S-O-S line, which I think is used much more to be on-hold than to conduct conversation.
Greater level of participation by the Apple technical support on the newsgroups such as comp.sys.mac.apps, comp.sys.mac.comm, comp.sys.mac.system, instead of separate fora on the Apple web site, would be just fine with me. It would also enhance the signal-to-noise ratio of the newsgroup postings.