I would like to help as much as I can for your research documentary. I authorise you to use whole or any portion of my story in your documentary.
Although I am ageing (born 1959), I intend to live past 100 and possibly much longer, as I expect Telomeres Therapy to be developed before long.
I had been aware of health claims of Melatonin for some time, but I purchased Melatonin in order to calm down my 8-year old son François. He was very quiet in public, so teachers and doctors said he was normal. At home, however, he was always very excited. I was angry and shouting at him all the time, often hitting him (within the limits of the criminal code). The stress on my family was very high for years.
Almost as soon as I started giving my son Melatonin (1 mg tablet) 1997-05-22, his behaviour changed, and he became excited less and less frequently. I continued to give him Melatonin until 1997-08-23, after a few attempts to stop had failed. Now, I have a much better relationship with him, and a very happy family.
I started taking Melatonin at the same time as my son, 1997-05-22, in the evening. It certainly made me sleep deeper and longer, which was not productive for my work. So, I now take it just before going to sleep, usually around 02:00. I have had wild dreams, too. Since I started taking Melatonin, I had a cold once, but it was brief. I do not know if Melatonin boosted my immune system. I cannot confirm any anti-oxidant effects of Melatonin to prevent free-radical damage, but it definitely gives psychological benefits of providing a "fountain of youth".
Since the sale of Melatonin is banned in Canada, I purchase Melatonin on the Internet via a U.S. web site. Please note that this success story has no involvement of a physician whatsoever.