Please consider adding at least the "ABSTRACT", if not the entire text, to the Patent Database Search in machine-readable format on the CIPO website on the Internet. It would help a great deal because right now I have to rely on the "TITLE". The U.S. Patent Database has had the "ABSTRACT" for some time, and the IBM Patent Server has images of U.S. patents as well.
Also, I would like to know if the Patent Office is considering electronic submission of patents. If so, I would very strongly suggest that the Patent Office use only international standards as acceptable formats, i.e., HTML instead of proprietary word processing formats! As far as I know, the U.S. Patent Office is studying the possibility of on-line submission of patents.
Thank you very much for your attention.
To whom it may concern
As an inventor, Industry Canada's Strategis website had been almost useless to me because the Canadian Patent Database contained very limited sets of data. The Strategis website made a quantum-leap improvement in 1998-11, however, when the Patent Database Search started to display comprehensive data including the images of cover pages, abstracts, disclosures, claims and drawings. Now, I access the CIPO website almost every day instead of visiting the Patent Office and spending a lot of money in parking and photocopying!
The next step for the Patent Office would be full-text display instead of bitmap images, and on-line submission of patent application, preferably in HTML format.