1999-07-14|Sunatori's Kids: Projects [Done]
Potential Discovery or Invention
always use bookmarks after reading!
always tell the truth
age | 10 (base-8), 10 on 01-01, etc.
jump into "newspaper pond" -> study physics and calculate cushion weight support
make a peanut candle (peanut oil)
answer questions
what is wrong with air pollution?
always look around
avoid "penny wise and dollar foolish"
avoid tunnel taste, eating similar things all the time
avoid tunnel vision, tunnel thinking, blind spots
global optimisation versus local optimisation
both time and space
avoid maniac obsession like constantly emptying trash
exercise (e.g., come up with the simplest way to programme microwave oven for 1 minute, 10 minutes)
common sense versus tunnel vision, blind spots
consider Murphy's law
do not blindly follow rules
no laws/regulations in a perfect world
solar eclipse watching (just needs a filter)
traffic lights and stop signs if there is no car/pedestrian/police
do a push-up for each error
keep asking questions (Taken)
prioritise (importance, urgency)
think logically before talking
arrange domino pieces to form letters of a person's initials in cascade fall
attend day camps and courses
Math Day Camp at home with GRE questions
Rocks and Minerals
build electrical
a buzzer with an electromagnet and an AC power supply
a radio
a battery with coins and lemon juice
a flash light with LED
a light sabre with LED
a polygraph (lie detector)
an electronic metronome
an elevator with a counterweight and a motor with direction switch
build electronics
a gravity switch in film can and a nut
a HeNe laser
a light bulb
a motor with gear set
a unipolar motor with a bent wire, a battery and a rare-earth magnet
an LED array on a cereal box
build mechanical
LEGO/Duplo blocks
K'nex pieces
rare-earth bar magnets with ball bearings as building elements
plastic scrap, straw, spaghetti
Stix (bridge, house, dome, etc.)
models of Thunderbirds and Tracey Island, then make a film with audio/video insert
a bow and arrow
a balance toy with a metallic arc and counterweights
a balloon-powered vehicle on a suspended fishing line
a balloon vertical lifter with a nozzle to control air flow
a humidity meter with a piece of hair (amplify reading by lever)
a pendulum and demonstrate the effect of length not weight
a push puppet
a model of double helix DNA (rotating with motor)
a trebuchet
a "telephone" communicator with 2 plastic cups and metal/fish line
build mechatronics
a solar-powered robot
robots (kits, free-form) and do sumo fight
build optics
a heliostat with mirrors (parabola)
a spying periscope with prism
a rotating mirror sphere with a bouncing ball and broken plastic mirror pieces
build magnetics
a compass with a floating rare-earth magnet
a maglev windmill girouette/anemometre
a magnetiser solenoid by winding wire around a plastic core
a balance with a straw, a pin and 2 grapes on the ends, then swing it with a rare-earth magnet
build a shaking rock with a pillow and a motor having an asymmetrical weight
build toys
a house of cards with playing cards
a Jacob's ladder
a Mobius strip (cut in half, also twist 2/3/4 times and cut in half)
a 3-way Mobius strip
a Klein's bottle
a 3-D pop-up greeting card
a pinball game
build and play a Viking board game
build a scooter
build a squirrel/pigeon trap
build a star theatre planetarium
build a racquet game with rubber bands
build a steam snow melting system with a kettle and a perforated drain tile
build a thermometer with a film container and coloured water
build a pulley suspended crossing with a rope fixed to a tree
build aeronautics
an airplane powered by compressed air by air pump
an airplane powered by rubber band
a plastic model airplane
build an artificial lung with a clear plastic bottle, balloon and a membrane (balloon) at the cut-bottom of the bottle
build musical instrument
a xylophone with construction leftover wood pieces
string with a rubber band (guitar, harp)
whistle and flute with a tube
mutant guitar sound by putting pressure on string ends
build ice structures
ice columns and ice statue with dripping water at -10 C or below
build snow structures
igloo with a window (back yard, front yard)
maze (front yard)
skating rink (back yard)
slide (front yard)
snowperson (front yard)
tunnels (front yard)
fortress (front yard)
wall (front yard)
dinosaur statue (front yard)
build Tracy Island and Thunderbirds out of recycled containers and make a video
build a water park in back yard
build a sun dial
build a solar car
use multiple mirrors (heliostat) to concentrate sunlight
use blacklight for greater UV content
compare indoors/outdoors for UV portion
build a microwave energy reflector for cellular phone/wireless phone with aluminum foil
build something with a cork
build something with straws
build something with plastic cloth hangers
build an indoor igloo with diaper packages
burn a piece of wood in a candle flame to make a graphite pen
soak a piece of paper ($5 bill) in a mixture of isopropyl alcohol and water, then burn it without damaging it
arrange figure skating music with GarageBand
compose music in GarageBand with natural human sounds (fart, blurp, hicups, etc.)
do chemistry experiments
buy a chemistry lab kit
buy a glow-in-the-dark ring by chemical reaction
buy chemiluminescent bar/ring
do crystal growth
mix chlorine (Javex) with ammonia (Windex) to produce toxic monochloramine smoke
do electronics
buy an electronic project kit
buy stuff
Active/Future Electronics
Edmund Scientific
Radio Shack
capture frogs/tadpoles and grow them
capture a mouse/rat
carry mini-books to read at bus stop, phone card
Cellular Radio telephone eavesdrop on channel 79 to 83 on TV (analog only)
choose musical instruments
keyboard for flexibility and connection to a computer
collect iron filings in sands with a magnet
3-D computer model creation and animation (Meshwork, Infini-D, Ray Dreams, Poser, etc.)
do graphics with "paint" and "draw"
do HyperTalk programming in HyperCard (MaGnUm, MeGnOm, etc.)
do HyperTalk programming in HyperCard (Typing Practice Game, etc.)
MIDI programmes (MIDIGraphy, etc.)
play HyperGames
play CD Scientifix
produce animation with QuickTime
produce games with HyperCard (HyperGames)
produce graphics with scanned images of comic characters
create new game with HyperCard (MaGnUm, Bin Laden, etc.)
multimedia effects to make morph and warp effects
multimedia effects to play sound and voice backwards, special effects (echo, etc.)
multimedia effects to play same mono sound from 2 speakers at slight delay for ambience (delay element)
multilingual dictionary in Revolution
Typing Programme in Revolution
Skating Music Scheduling System in Revolution
ASCII Art/Edit and animation with Revolution
dome-shaped cake
Nutri-Puck (pancakes with meat and vegetables)
wiener sausage with half slices to make a circle
place a loudspeaker as a microphone inside an acoustic guitar, connect it with a ghetto blaster
create new playing cards (Gro Cards)
create new rules for chess, checker, card games
hieroglyph (must create characters)
music composition on the keyboard
story composition with/without illustration
cut a Mobius strip in half to make a large ring
demonstrate fluorescent paint under black light/UV LED
demonstrate tricks
hole in a hand with a paper tube (perspective)
continuous blowing with mouth as air reservoir
(99 > 111 > 100) in the microwave oven time control (seconds versus minute)
design a stable table/chair
digital camera
still picture, QuickTime movie
disassemble items into parts and reassemble it
ball-point pen
do camping in a tent
do chemistry experiments
soak desicant in water to observe exothermic reaction (water boils!)
do decision-making balance list with weighting factor for choice of high school
do fireworks
do laser light show with a laser pointer in bed
do origami
do perfume experiment
do research and write a report with hierarchy and organisation
Nuclear Weapons, contains Fission (A-bomb) and Fusion (H-bomb)
universe, galaxy, stars, planets, moons, constellations
do ice fishing on a container with partially frozen ice and a fish figurine
drive a car in a large parking lot (Park & Ride)
eat chalk as antacid
eat weeds (dandelion, etc.)
electricity conduction in distilled water versus NaCl water
envelope a gift in a balloon, must puncture to get it
smell by eating a potato and an apple with eye and nose closed
talk with lungs filled with helium from a balloon
put whitener into a cup of coffee and listed to the change in stirring sound
drop droplets of water into a hot flying pan to see insulated mercury action
melt margarine/yogurt tab on a hot stove for art creation
explain concepts
10-digit dialing for local telephone calls
addiction (alcohol, cigarette, drug, Pokémon)
diminishing return
Doppler effect
economy of scale (e.g., Internet hosting business)
profit margin
population "donut effect" downtown
species don't mix after 1 generation (mule, etc.)
grey scale of human skin colour
showing no information is better than showing wrong information
progression of myopia
progressive taxes on income taxes
salary versus capital gain ($1 dollar/year ideal)
U.S.A. comprises 46 states, 4 commonwealths, 1 district
water on leaky mesh filter for saving/wasting money
boiling point of water is lower at high altitude
boiling point of water is higher in a pressure cooker
boiling point of water is higher with NaCl
edible food-grade paraffin wax
mold around Ginkgo biloba seeds
left-hand and right-hand laws
Murphy's Law
Moore's Law
clouds dissipate
explain how it works
furnace function and house temperature difference between top and bottom floors
explain mathematics
base-10/base-2/base-8/base-16 numbers
calculus (differential, integral)
compound interest
matrix theory
use spreadsheet for plotting functions (e.g., sine wave, y = x^1.5)
graphing calculator
statistics (sampling, normal distribution)
explain science
action, reaction, inertia, momentum
alcohol (methane-methanol, ethane-ethanol)
analogue and digital, A-D/D-A conversion, PCM/PAM/PWM/etc.
bacteria suvival on metallic surface (coins)
benzene core for smell
breathe into skin repeatedly to raise skin temperature by accumulated heat
1 Byte = 8 bits, 1 KByte = 1024 bits, 1 MByte, 1 GByte, 1 TByte, etc.
binary, octal, decimal, hexadecimal, etc.
difference among computer virus, worm, Trojan horse, etc.
echo-location (bats, sonar, radar)
eddy current effect (movement of rare-earth magnet above a copper block)
electromagnetic radiation spectrum (light) continuous
electroplating (penny (Cu) + vinegar + salt, then soak nail (Fe) into liquid)
F = ma (acceleration, not speed), W = Fl
ionising radiation (VUV, X-ray, gamma ray, etc.)
Normal (Gaussian) distribution
inhale He and talk at high pitch voice, inhale SF6 and ...
helium escape from a porous balloon due to small molecular size
logarithm and logarithmic scale
monomer versus polymer
octave (8th note)
Newton decided the number of colours to be 7 to correspond with music
pH scale (acid-base) (H3O+, OH-)
polar airline route for minimum distance with the globe, jet stream for different time going East/West
rectifier with diodes
latch-up problem in a flip-flop
skyscraper height versus earthquake (swing, not break)
sound distortion at high volume and loudness button (linear versus non-linear)
stable table with 3 legs, land vehicle with 3 wheels
terminal velocity, fall 90 metre and survive
time zone (UTC/GMT, EST/EDT, etc.)
DNA double helix (AT-CG)
explain scientific fraud
planting evidence, fudging data, etc.
explain sports
track events (1 500 metre race, staggered start)
finish homework at school for more free time after school
finish book chapter or TV chapter before going away (toilet, etc.)
Air Hog compressed-air airplane
rocket launcher at the mini-airport
fold a sheet of paper and cut it to make multiple symmetrical holes
fold a sheet of paper maximum of 7 times
possible to fold a 1-ply Kleenex tissue paper 8 times!
foster imagination, creativity, ingenuity and originality
importance of books, audio-only programmes, black & white movies, etc.
go to Toys-R-Us to buy "distressed goods"
Good -> Bad
Anakin Skywalker -> Darth Vader (Dark Side)
grow avocado tree from avocado seed soaked in water
hammer a penny to make a pendant
soak a penny in acid/base for accelerated oxidation
hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to bleach hair
inflate a balloon and latex/vinyl gloves with air or water
a new board game
bullet toboggan
cross-country skis with uphill spike
head umbrella
shower head with liquid soap
soup maker
basket elevator with electric motor
invisible ink magic
write something on a 3M sticky pad with a yellow fluorescent pen, illuminate with incandescent lamp versus fluorescent lamp versus UV LED
keyboard practice
Greek characters
Morse code
touch-typing with a broken keyboard of a computer terminal
lick a 9-Volt battery
listen to short-wave radio
Morse code (amateur bands)
overseas radio stations
static noise on AM radio due to meteor and lightning
make a computer list of X'mas gift wishes and publish it on the Internet
make a fountain pen out of a real feather
make a big pile of wrinkled newspaper and magazine pages as a cushion so that the kids can be thrown into it safely
make an ant farm
make flags with rare-earth magnet, straw and graphics from flag website
make ice cream in sub-0 temperature with ice and salt mixture
make paper out of fibres
make point-symmetrical patterns by folding paper and cutting edges and holes
make triangular origami
melt plastic (polyethylene from ice-cream container) and use it to glue, mold, weld, etc.
missionise tasks and execute them one by one
modify a computer game (sound, graphics) by ResEdit (Baxter)
observe monitors
approach a magnet to CRT and LCD to see the distortion effect
splash water on CRT and LCD to see the magnified pixels
observe movement of a ball in parabola
observe space station Mir in the sky with naked eyes
organise life (journe pedagogique)
schedule of the day
do choirs to earn money as the only way to get allowance
self-count monthly allowance
participates in contests, library programmes
pierce a Zip Loc plastic bag filled with water with bamboo sticks
play bowling and explain Strike and Spare, keep score
play electrostatic game by walking on the carpet and touching a grounded object (e.g., filing cabinet) in the dark
play CD-ROM
CD Scientifix (Débrouillards)
Dinosaur Safari
HyperCard Mail List CD
Magic School Bus
play games
geography name finding game on globe/atlas/map
mathematical games
card games (memory game)
chess against computer
computer games
invent new card games
Genome quiz
play sports
badminton in back yard
play with fire
eat fire
put out a candle fire with fingers
play with carbon paper copying (black ink on newspaper)
play with magnetic fishing
practice making fire with a match
produce a LEGO video movie, Spice Girls music video
put hot water into a can to create vacuum
put things in order
read newspaper clips on science, technology and engineering
reconfigure a racing track from flat level-crossing (2-D) to bridge (3-D), then to double-decker roadway
record and play back music and speech backwards on the computer
record orchestra by multiple channels of music
research hottentot
conduct music
observe different ice formations
rock hunting and collection in mines and pits
rock polish with diamond drill/sanding bits
rock tumbler supplies (grits)
scientific experiments
blow air from a hair dryer into 1 ping-pong ball and tilt it to demonstrate lift by Bernoulli effect
blow air from a straw into 2 ping-pong balls, which hit together
chromatograph to separate colours
primary and complementary colours (stare at one colour, then stare at white surface)
explain duty cycle in microwave oven
explain why LED does not light up in microwave oven
fry a Compact Disc in microwave oven
fry a carrot, dill pickles, green pepper, orange peel, etc. in microwave oven
grow mold on a wet piece of bread
light up a dead fluorescent/incandescent lamp in microwave oven
no-mix hot water (red) and cold water (blue) in 2 half containers
observe rust comparison (water, air, water + air)
penny rusts in vinegar to make green colour
resonating wine glasses with a finger on the wet edge (1 transmitter, multiple receiving glasses!)
rusting of iron, steel, copper in water, half-water, air, salt
show effect of outdoor UV exposure on newspaper
spray orange oil from orange peel into candle flame to make fireworks
make super-candle from broken candles
put a finger into a flame in fast motion without feeling pain
volcano with vinegar and baking soda
pour water for light refraction to view a penny in a pan
glass upside down with a cardboard for atmosphere to hold
observe a mini-tornado at the sink
observe a laminar flow from the faucet
touch a glove and a hand simultaneously, show only the glove for feeling false sensation
compare freshness of an apple/avocado: MSG, NaCl (better), onion (?)
best way to dry a glass/cup: up, down, side, diagonal
Science Fiction
read Jules Verne's books
watch Star Trek, etc.
ice sculpture with a chisel
Styrofoam sculpture with a steel wire and a battery
sell items at garage sale
send drawing and math for grand-parents
show magic
sponge and ice in a glass for water-ice transformation
show light magic
fluorescent paint that glows in black light
luminescent paint that glows in the dark
show Space-Shuttle tiles and aerogels
squeeze orange/lemon peel for its oil to burn in a flame
teach music to each other
give direction to friends in map on a website
super-heat water (after repeated heating to remove gases) in microwave oven, sprinkle salt to activate
super-cool water (or beer in a bottle)
swing a stick hard to make a sound
swing a cup/glass of H2O without spilling due to centrifugal force
take apart toothpaste dispenser mechanism (Colgate/Crest pump, Colgate standup, Crest upright)
tell story of 4 little pigs (straw, wood, brick, dome)
suspend objects from ceiling with magnets
teach music to sisters and brothers
turn a belt around 2 times to put it back straight
village of Sunatori in Romania
voice change with helium from a balloon
what does "Nova" mean in Spanish?
write a summary of a book (Jules Verne, Harry Potter)
write in mirror image letters with left hand (Leonard da Vinci)
virtual lab
automatic surrealism = surrealist automatism
anamorphic illusion
clean a penny with vinegar
place a penny on a solid ice to observe its sinking
compare an old penny (copper) with a new penny (steel)
use a magnet to decipher what kind of metal is inside a penny
copper -> zinc -> steel + nickel
cancer tree
Do Plants Get Cancer? - YouTube
Finding Polaris?
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ISBN 978-0-929105-04-8