Do not get preoccupied with the detailed facts of what you are learning. Instead, appreciate that what you are learning is a skill set of problem solving.
Resist peer pressure.
respire before holding breath to extend time
exhale infinitely by simultaneous inhale/exhale
contradiction in mathematics (1.99 < 2.22, 1:99 > 2:22)
place one garlic in the microwave oven, observe spinning by steam jet (electromagnetic energy -> thermal energy -> kinetic energy)
paperclip floats in water if placed carefully due to Meniscus effect
3-D perspective drawing
always carry a mini book or dictionary to read while waiting for a school bus
always write down ideas!
always go to the source of the information (not rumours and speculations)
solve the root cause of the problem, not symptoms
learn how to think
success of projects depends on passion, enthusiasm, ownership
observe aurora borealis (northern lights)
observe meteor showers
observe milky way
observe double-rainbow (primary ring and secondary ring)
observe solar/lunar eclipses
observe sunspots with telescope
bug repellant
artificial blood
bug-free field with ionised air by static electricity or laser
laser blinding
ultrasound modulation
ultraviolet blacklight
make multimedia software to teach how to play the guitar
build a catapult with repulsion force between 2 rare-earth magnets, 1 electromagnet plus an aluminum ring (eddy current)
build electronic circuits
repeating parrot
noise canceller with DSP
build a bagpipe with a straw (cut for reed), a balloon, a pipe with holes
build a double-toroidal motor
build an LED display with motion detector at the front door "No Soliciting"
build an air hockey with a fan and a plate with holes
build a 0-point energy SMOT, etc.
build a permanent magnet train accelerator with C-shaped magnets (Permanent Magnet Motor patent)
build a 3-D upside-down magnetic pendulum (defies gravity)
build a pulling machine for ski, ice skate, in-line roller skate, etc.
battery, snow tire, single wheel, shaft-less motor?
build a control system with Macintosh computer (Beehive, EZIO, X10, etc.)
control LEGO train (go forward, go backward, stop, etc.)
joystick control (4 contacts + ground, etc.)
build a Harrison dual pendulum with magnets instead of springs
build a Lego model of a house and future extension plans
build a honeycomb floor with sheet aluminum
build a hydroponic/aeroponic indoor garden with pots
build a jello laser by sunlight
build a kaleidoscope with 1 convex lens and 3 mirrors
build a kinetic energy flywheel system
hermetically sealed vacuum
magnetic levitation
build a laser demo for Expo-Science
detector alarm at room entrance
build a launcher with eddy current (aluminum projectile)
build a levitation demo with a pencil lead (thin) above rare-earth magnets (checker board configuration)
build a machine with magnetic spring power
build a maglev linear-motor model train (high-temperature superconductor)
build a magnetic levitator with a Nd magnet and 2 large blocks of beryllium (Be)
build a magnetic toy following a parallel steel track (YouTube)
build a metal detector
build a mosquito trap with a box fan and a mesh (NightHawkInLight)
build a noise cancellation device for an entire room with a DSP chip
put baking soda in boiling vegetables to preserve colour, may destroy vitamins
put ultrasound room measure to car front
read newspaper clips on Science, Engineering, Technology
reverse engineer broken telephone, radio, etc. to circuit diagramme
scratch aluminum in water and observe bubbles (Al + H2O -> H2 + ?)
scientific experiments
centrifuge to separate materials
send message to Luc/Max for HyperGames download
send letter to Discovery You Asked For It (mutated tree)
set daily alarm clock at 20:30 to go to bed and read
set priority to avoid obsession
learning Pokemon games OK, not memorising character names
Spice Girls songs OK, not individual spice girls
show infinite images of self with 2 parallel mirrors
show slinky
solve Rubik's Cube
start coin collection
start stamp/coin collection
study chromosomes and make it a DNA organism evolution game
view and make holograms
visit places
Diefenbunker ($10 CAD/person)
Laflesh cave ($12 CAD/person?) in winter
visit the court house and observe court proceedings
visit websites
UQAH BD programme
what is science?
imperfect naming ("-" for electron, species, etc.)
nature is nameless
Rosalind Franklin didn't share in the Nobel for DNA. Maurice Wilkins stole her crystallography from Rosalind Franklin's lab and passed it on the Terrible Twins.
White Swan toilet paper joke
Who were the real inventors/discoverers?
airplane (Wright Brothers or Langley?)
DNA double helix (James Watson & Francis Crick or Rosalind Franklin?)
FM radio (David Sarnoff or Edwin Armstrong?)
geodesic dome (Buckminster Fuller or German dome & soccer ball?)
light bulb (Thomas Edison, Joseph Swan (England) or William Sawyer?)
radio (Guglielmo Marconi or Reginald Fessenden?)
telephone (Alexander Graham Bell or Elisha Gray or Antonio Meucci?)
television (David Sarnoff or Philo Farnsworth?)
write "Who Am I?" biography (Integrated Science) for website home page
write own obituary as a career guide or a list of lifetime goals