Reading your article published in The Futurist magazine made me realise that I have been unconsciously using most of the creative-thinking techniques as an independent inventor.
I think that I have a decent IQ, originality, creativity and imagination, but a single-digit EQ (Emotional Quotient) which is essential for negotiation, social skills, etc. Thus, I have not achieved financial success yet.
I was prompted to write to you because of the greeting card example. The round Christmas Card, which I have been sending out since 1990, is just to show you that I am indeed not boxed in. I presented the patent-pending "Millennium Magic Greeting Card" to CEOs of several greeting card manufacturers, but they showed absolutely no interest. I later learned from a licensing agent that these companies do not make a radical departure from traditional offerings.
The story at your website about the railway gauge gave me an idea of a train having a wide aspect ratio in its cross section. Such an ultra-wide train would not flip-over in case of a derailment.