I was told that the excrement of pigeons is deadly to humans.
Is there anything very special about pigeon droppings compared with the droppings from other bird species, or are pigeons singled out because a great number of them cause nuisance in urban areas? Are pigeon droppings more acidic than others? Do pigeon droppings contain more harmful bacteria and viruses than the droppings from other bird species?
I do not discriminate against any species, so the HyperFeeder welcomes both black birds (grackles) and arab birds (pigeons). The double-decker configuration happily accommodates both pigeons and chickadees at the same time. I do not know how the excrement of pigeons is so deadly but not that of other birds, as all excrements are acidic. I hear that the West Nile Virus is most prevalent in crows, sparrows and blue jays. Actually, I used to keep a pigeon as a pet in an outdoor cage when I was 10 years old or so. I have a feeling that pigeons are singled out because a great number of them cause nuisance in urban areas, creating this urban myth.