Identification: Cactophagus sunatoriorum bears a great resemblance to C. personatus or C. rectistriatus but is clearly distinct based upon the lack of ventral pilosity on the rostrum (as in C. personatus) by the more widely separated front coxae, and by the flat prosternum in males (tuberculate in males of C. rectistriatus). Additionally, the humeri are orange in C. sunatoriorum whereas they are black in C. personatus and infuscate subbasally in C. rectistriatus. The elytral maculations do not distort the striae as in C. dragoni and C. ornatus and form a broader, more continuous arc.
Potential Discovery or Invention
Here is the original Unisex T-Shirt design with the image of Cactophagus sunatoriorum.
Potential Discovery or Invention
Here is a Unisex Baseball T-Shirt design with the image of Cactophagus sunatoriorum.
Here is the final product.
Potential Discovery or Invention
Meanwhile, my professional artist daughter Véronique devised a way to silkscreen-print her original design of Cactophagus sunatoriorum.