2004-12-01|Manning Innovation Awards

Sunatori.com Pen: A 3-in-1 Auto-Retractable Ballpoint Pen with an Ergonomic Cushion that Leonardo da Vinci would have loved to wear!

Go Simon Sunatori, P.Eng./ing., M.Eng., F.N.A., SM IEEE, LM WFS


Nomination Form completely filled out including required signatures.

A brief biographical sketch of the nominee including education, employment and other activities.

A complete description of the innovation, together with a one-page summary.

Sunatori.com Pen: A 3-in-1 Auto-Retractable Ballpoint Pen with an Ergonomic Cushion that Leonardo da Vinci would have loved to wear!

If the innovation is patented, provide a complete copy of the patent. If a patent has been applied for and has not yet been issued, include a complete copy of the patent application.

U.S. Patents

Canadian Patents

Specific information on the development of the innovation from concept through to a complete product or process.

Balance among Forces

Strength of Cushion Effect

Phenomena to be considered

Scientific Research & Experimental Development

An outline of the successful commercialisation and marketing results of the innovation.

A statement indicating the nature of the resources and the extent these resources were used in conceiving, developing and applying or marketing the innovation.

The details on the involvement of other individuals in conceiving, developing and applying or marketing the innovation.

Endorsements from individuals qualified to comment on the success of the innovation.

A statement of the economic and/or social benefits to Canada, resulting from the successful commercialisation of the innovation.

If available, a sample of the product or a video illustrating its operation may provide a clearer understanding of the innovation.

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"Sunatori, Go Simon" <GS.Sunatori@HyperInfo.CA>
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ISBN 978-0-929105-04-8