In the final print issue of NRC NewsLink, I saw an invitation to visit the new online newsmagazine Dimensions. I clicked button marked "Subscribe! Register for our Dimensions newsletter", and followed the registration process by entering "First Name", "Last Name" and "Email".
After clicking button "Submit", I received an E-mail message with "Subject: CNRC-NRC Dimensions - Confirmation d'abonnement". The entire message was in unilingual French, and there was no indication of getting an English version.
Although I had no problem understanding it and clicking the necessary hyperlink to complete the subscription process, other people may get lost in the other official language.
Maybe NRCC's database has my address in Québec, so sending me an E-mail message with French as a priority language would be natural. However, such communication should be in both official languages, given the diverse audience that NRCC serves.