My kids gave me a Garmin GPS Navigator (nüvi 40LM) last year, and it is the best gift that I have ever received because I have Developmental Topographical Disorientation (DTD). So, it is a life-saver for me.
For such a sophisticated device, it is natural to find odd behaviours and amusing pronunciation of street names here and there.
When I was driving from Gatineau, QC, to Ottawa, ON, the Garmin GPS Navigator instructed me to "Turn left" while the car was at the provincial border on the Alexandra bridge. On my way back, the Garmin GPS Navigator instructed me to "Turn right" while the car was at the provincial border on the Alexandra bridge. I am reporting this problem to you because it is a safety issue, leading to a life-or-death situation.
For your information, my Garmin GPS Navigator (nüvi 40LM) is running the latest software: "Version: 4.00" with "Map: US & Canada 2016.20". Since I cannot take a screenshot of the Garmin GPS Navigator (nüvi 40LM), here is the map from Apple OS X's