2016-04-19|The beauty of human skin in every color | Beauty defined by different cultures
Angélica Dass
I recently watched your inspiring TED Talk video entitled "The beauty of human skin in every color". May I suggest an additional re-arrangement of the face images according to lightness, also known as value or tone. The resulting linear arrangement of human faces, gradually from light brown to dark brown, would powerfully demonstrate that there is no point in drawing lines to divide human species into artificial races which cannot be scientifically defined. I hope that you will succeed in conveying the message.
Thank you very much for your attention.
Natalia Ivanova | LensCulture
I recently watched your inspiring Tech Insider video entitled "Beauty defined by different cultures". May I suggest an additional re-arrangement of the face images according to lightness, also known as value or tone. The resulting linear arrangement of human faces, gradually from light brown to dark brown, would powerfully demonstrate that there is no point in drawing lines to divide human species into artificial races which cannot be scientifically defined. I hope that you will succeed in conveying the message.