2016-12-09|Sunatori's iPhone Weather Discrepancies
Potential Discovery or Invention
iPhone's Weather app displays "Wednesday Today" when it is Thursday.
iPhone's Weather app displays the temperatures correctly, but iPhone's Weather widget is missing the negative sign "-".
iPhone's Weather app displays duplicate cities, and different temperatures for the same city at the same time.
iPhone's Weather app displays completely unrealistic and inconsistent temperatures in addition to an empty hourly weather forecast.
iPhone's Weather widget displays "Chance of Rain: 0%" when there is an icon of Rain.
iPhone's Weather app displays "31 C" as the highest forecast, yet it says "the high will be 24 C".
iPhone's Weather app displays "Mostly Sunny, -3 C" for the current location (Gatineau, QC, Canada), but "Partly Cloudy, 3 C" for Gatineau, QC, Canada.
iPhone's Weather app displays "7 C" for Gatineau, QC, Canada, and "4 C" for Ottawa, ON, Canada, which is just across the river.
iPhone's Weather app displays "26 C" for Gatineau, QC, Canada, and "32 C" for Gatineau, QC, Canada, at exactly the same time.
iPhone's Weather app displays hourly forecast going up to maximum of "14 C", but 10-DAY FORECAST shows temperature range between "7 C" and "19 C".
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