2018-02-10|Abbreviations and codes for Canada's provinces and territories
To whom it may concern
I noticed that CBC News|Ottawa Citizen is still using archaic abbreviations and codes for Canada's provinces and territories. For example, 3-letter Ont./Ont. and Man./Man. are consistent, but Alta./Alb. Nvt./Nt are inconsistent and idiosyncratic.
Please use the following internationally approved 2-letter alpha code by Canada Post.
AB | Alberta
BC | British Columbia
MB | Manitoba
NB | New Brunswick
NL | Newfoundland and Labrador
NS | Nova Scotia
NT | Northwest Territories
NU | Nunavut
ON | Ontario
PE | Prince Edward Island
QC | Quebec
SK | Saskatchewan
YT | Yukon
Thank you very much for your attention.
To whom it may concern
Please add "The National" <http://www.cbc.ca/beta/news/thenational> to the menu of the CBC News webpage <http://www.cbc.ca/beta/news>.