I missed the first 5 minutes of webinar "Join the conversation! The quality of your patent matters." because I was still trying to activate audio. Although Cisco WebEx Meetings claims that "Video conferencing is as simple and seamless as meeting in person", it turned out that a separate telephone call to a telephone number is required to join audio. Help!
Are there any topics you would like to see addressed in the future?
CIPO's plan to improve the archaic ICT (Information and Communication Technology) system, especially a "Portal" to provide a single point of contact between CIPO and an applicant. Such a "Dashboard" should list all of the applicant's patent applications, each application with progress checkmarks (application done, first office action done, 3 maintenance fees paid, etc.) on a single row, where all actions can be done right there, instead of going to Applications webpage, General Correspondence webpage, Maintenance Fee webpage, etc. Somewhat like eBay's "My eBay Hub".
Do you have any other comments or suggestions?
Thank you very much for inviting me to this event with a free breakfast and a free lunch! I plan on attending similar events in the future.