2019-08-15|Drive Real-Time Insights and Action With Formulas
To whom it may concern
In "Drive Real-Time Insights and Action With Formulas" of Smartsheet's Best Practice Webinars, worst practice of hard-coding is demonstrated. In a segment between 358 seconds and 446 seconds, the presenter should reference the names from another cells instead of typing them in the formula, please.
Thank you very much for your attention.
To whom it may concern
In webinar "Introduction to formulas", you appropriately reference the names from another cells instead of typing them in the formula, even with dynamic "@row". Good for you!
Thank you very much for your attention.
To whom it may concern
In a cell or in a comment, Smartsheet should be smart enough to unhighlight the trailing ">" when it converts the text starting with "http:" to hyperlinks, just as every OS X application can do. Please make it an enhancement request for your development team. For now, I will follow your painful workaround.
Thank you very much for your attention.
To whom it may concern
When I set the Column Properties to "Current Type: Date" in Smartsheet, it shows MM/DD/YY for English (United States) or English (Canada). Please provide a way to show the date in ISO-8601 format: YYYY-MM-DD (ISO) in Account > Personal Settings.
Please note that the anomaly that I had pointed out is not an enhancement request but a genuine BUG, as you can see here once again.
2005-03-12 (YYYY-MM-DD) -> 03/12/05 (MM/DD/YY)
2005-03-13 (YYYY-MM-DD) -> 13/03/05 (DD/MM/YY)
This is to let you know that your proposed solution of selecting "English (South Africa)" as the Language (Country) to avoid the Y2K-like problem in Smartsheet works fine! Since I prefer "." as a decimal point instead of "," in South Africa, there could be another entry like "English (ISO)" as the Language (Country), or separate Date/Time setting and Decimal setting in Smartsheet. So, there is still room for improvement, but the absolute catastrophe of the Y2K-like problem in Copy & Paste into spreadsheet application is no longer an issue.
Thank you very much for your attention.
To whom it may concern
In Automation, please make it possible to Sort rows of a sheet when a condition is met.