I purchased 3 of "From Far and Wide 2020: Booklet of 6 stamps (USA)" on Canada Post's website.
Even though the item was not delivered, Canada Post's Tracking Delivery status said "Delivered".
Next day, I called Canada Post's Customer Service to complain. The agent took necessary information to create a ticket, and promised that the issue will be investigated within 3 business days. He added that on their system, the item is marked "Refused delivery", which is completely false. He gave me a ticket number. The E-mail message originated from "DONOTREPLY_NEPASREPONDRE@CANADAPOST" <DONOTREPLY_NEPASREPONDRE@CANADAPOST.CA>, and clicking "Online" leads to Canada Post's website <https://www.canadapost.ca/trackweb/en#/home>.
Mere 1 hour after my telephone call, a delivery truck arrived at the door. The delivery person apologised for the error, and handed me the correct envelope containing the ordered item.
A minute after he left, a Canada Post agent called me to explain the situation.
Such exemplary behaviour of Canada Post is greatly appreciated!
Thank you very much for your attention.
To whom it may concern
Coincidentally, a rare phishing spam message arrived just after I ordered the item on-line. The E-mail message originated from "Support" <bhjiya@slimont.de>, and clicking "Online" leads to the phishing spammer's website <https://korianenterprises.com/rs/Postcanadahelp/>.