As soon as I received e-mail notification "Costco Business Centre in Ottawa is Now Open!", I accessed the website and put 14 items into the Cart with the total amount exceeding $250 CAD. At Checkout time, however, "Error updating item quantity" showed up. No matter what I did, i.e., adding/removing items, adding/removing coupon, etc., the error message did not go away. HELP!!!
I had to remove the Special Offer of FREE case of Red Bull Energy Drink (Approximate value of $50) from my Cart in order to suppress the error message. Doesn't this Special Offer apply for delivery in Gatineau, QC? HELP!!!
The unit price of NorQuin Golden Whole Grain Quinoa 11.3 kg (Item 1489337) is $44.99 ($34.99 after $10 Instant Saving). However, once I put it into the Cart, the price became $52.28 ($42.28 after $10 Instant Saving). Since I bought 2 of them, I overpaid $14.58. HELP!!!
Since I am now a user of Costco Business Centre website, I can no longer sign in to website? HELP!!!