eBay Canada wrote: "eBay now manages the end-to-end selling experience on our marketplace, including payments." So, I followed their instruction on how to update account details.
My USD bank account is at BMO Harris Bank. For Managed Payments, I can enter the 5-digit Transit number (07102) OK, but I cannot enter the 4-digit Financial institution number (5661) because the text field accepts only 3 digits. HELP!!!
I finally received a message from eBay saying "You're all set!" after many weeks of struggle.
Thank you very much for your attention.
To whom it may concern
After eBay verified my bank details, I received the following notification in the eBay app (iOS) to "Update your business information".
So, I followed the instruction step-by-step to enter the required business information.
"Business information is being verified" sounded good.
However, it did not seem to pass eBay's verification process even though my business has been in existence since 1989, and selling on eBay for 23 years. What is going on? HELP!!!
Thank you very much for your attention.
To whom it may concern
After more than 6 months of struggle, the issue was finally resolved by eBay's President's office which explained that eBay's businesses information verification process was optimised for U.S. companies only. Even though I was using "eBay.ca", the algorithm was not checking the Canadian Business Number. They gave me an apology and a voucher for being a "beta tester", which compensates for long-distance telephone calls when I used "Have us call you" on eBay.ca's website.
Thank you very much for your attention.
To whom it may concern
I greatly appreciate your recognition and resolution of the "Managed Payments (Canada) SR# 1-413527663562". I was able to use the "courtesy coupon for $100.00 USD" for an item valued at $77.00 CAD. However, I could not use the remaining value because eBay.ca complained: "You already applied this code to an order."
eBay support says that Gift Cards can be reused, but Coupons are one-time deal and unused portion are lost forever. If it is true, then eBay should make it clear when eBay issues such Gift Cards or Coupons.