Apple Weather app (iOS) shows Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) on a map. In the initial map, the area around "My Location" is BLUE (AQHI ~= 1 or 2). When the map is progressively zoomed in, the area around "My Location" suddenly becomes ORANGE (AQHI ~= 7 or 8), then the area around "My Location" goes back to BLUE (AQHI ~= 1 or 2). What is going on?
Potential Discovery or Invention
When Temperature map on Apple Weather app (iOS) is zoomed out to maximum, mysterious pattern of squares and rectangles shows up.
Potential Discovery or Invention
Air Quality map on Apple Weather app (iOS) sometimes shows straight lines dividing zones with different Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) values, which is very unrealistic.
Potential Discovery or Invention
Precipitation map on Apple Weather app (iOS) shows remarkable discrepancy between "Next-Hour Forecast" and "12-Hour Forecast". The "Next-Hour Forecast" also shows spectacular discontinuity gaps.