2024-05-19|Sunatori's Link (Missing from Weather app to Maps app)
Potential Discovery or Invention
I tried to obtain weather information of "Whiskey Harbour" in Apple Weather app (iOS). When I entered "Whiskey", the following list showed up.
Tapping "Whiskey Island, NY, United States" displays the following.
Tapping "Whiskey Creek, FL, United States" displays the following.
Tapping "Whiskey Island, Ontario, Canada" displays the following.
Tapping "Whiskey Island, ME, United States" displays the following.
Tapping "Whiskey Island, MI, United States" displays the following.
Tapping "Whiskey Island, TN, United States" displays the following.
Tapping "Whiskey Islands, Manitoba, Canada" displays the following.
Tapping "Whiskey Key, FL, United States" displays the following.
Tapping "Whiskey Stump Key, FL, United States" displays the following.
Please add hyperlink from Weather app (iOS) to Maps app (iOS) so the location can easily be confirmed.
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Sunatori, Go Simon
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