La Charte de la langue française |
52. Les catalogues, les brochures, les dépliants, les annuaires commerciaux et toute autre publication de même nature doivent être rédigés en français. |
57. Les formulaires de demande d'emploi, les bons de commande, les factures, les reçus et quittances sont rédigés en français. |
La Charte de la langue française |
52. Les catalogues, les brochures, les dépliants, les annuaires commerciaux et toute autre publication de même nature doivent être rédigés en français. |
La Charte de la langue française |
52. Les catalogues, les brochures, les dépliants, les annuaires commerciaux et toute autre publication de même nature doivent être rédigés en français. |
205. Quiconque contrevient à une disposition de la présente loi ou des règlements adoptés par le gouvernement en vertu de celle-ci commet une infraction et est passible pour chaque infraction, d'une amende de 250 $ à 700 $ dans le cas d'une personne physique et de 500 $ à 1 400 $ dans le cas d'une personne morale. |
Regulation Respecting the Language of Commerce and Business |
10. Catalogues, brochures, folders, commercial directories and any similar publications may be in two separate versions, one exclusively in French, the other exclusively in another language, provided that the material presentation of the French version is available under no less favourable conditions of accessibility and quality than the version in the other language. |
Regulation Respecting the Language of Commerce and Business |
2. An inscription on a cultural or educational product such as a book, magazine, publication, disk, film or tape, or on a non promotional greeting card, appointment book or calendar, may be exclusively in a language other than French if the content is in a language other than French or if the cultural or educational product, greeting card, appointment book or calendar has no language content. |
Regulation Respecting the Language of Commerce and Business |
11. Catalogues, brochures, folders, commercial directories and any similar publications concerning a cultural or educational product within the meaning of section 2, concerning a cultural or educational activity such as a show, recital, speech, lecture, course, seminar or radio or television program or promoting a news medium may be exclusively in a language other than French provided that the content of the cultural or educational product is in that other language, the activity is held in that other language or the news medium publishes or broadcasts in that other language, as the case may be. |
Regulation Respecting the Language of Commerce and Business |
3. An inscription on a product may be exclusively in a language other than French in the following cases: (1) the product is intended for a market outside Québec. |
Regulation Respecting the Language of Commerce and Business |
3. An inscription on a product may be exclusively in a language other than French in the following cases: (5) the product is from outside Québec and is in limited use in Québec and no equivalent substitute presented in French is available in Québec. |
The Charter of the French Language and Web Sites |
The Office applies to Web sites the same rules and exceptions as those concerning commercial advertising. English media Web sites could thus use English exclusively without violating the Charter. In addition, products of a cultural or educative nature may be advertised exclusively in the language of the product, without a French version. |
The Charter of the French Language and Web Sites |
Aware of the fact that the Internet is now used by companies as a means of advertising products on the global market, which products are often destined only for exportation, the Office de la langue française will apply a simple rule: a French version must be provided only in the case of advertisements posted on the Web site of a company located in Québec for products available in Québec. |
Go Simon Sunatori
A Commissioner, etc.