Canadian Intellectual Property - Exam Prep Study Guide


Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO)


What is a patent?

What can you patent?

When to apply for a patent

Preparing a patent application

Filing your application

Requesting examination

Filing prior art and protests

Special order examination

The examiner's task

Patent Office letter of objection

Responding to examiner's objections

Reconsideration by the examiner


Re-examination of a granted patent

Reissue and disclaimer



What is a trade-mark?

Trade name vs. trade-mark

Registered trade-mark vs. unregistered trade-mark

Who can register a trade-mark?

How do I register my trade-mark?

How much does it cost?

5-step examination process

How long does registration last?


What is a copyright?

What is covered by copyright?

When copyright does not apply


Fair dealing and exceptions

Automatic protection for Canadian and foreign works




Moral rights

Industrial Designs

What is an industrial design?

When to file an application

Why you should register

Who can apply

Before you file

What you cannot register

How long the process takes

How long registration lasts


Integrated Circuit Topographies

Definition and use

Canadian protection for integrated circuit topographies






Glossary of Intellectual Property Terms

Sample Multiple Choice Questions & Answers


  1. Which of the following items cover new inventions (machine)?
    1. Patents
    2. Trade-marks
    3. Copyright
    4. Industrial designs

  2. Which of the following items provide protection for musical works?
    1. Patents
    2. Integrated circuit topographies
    3. Plant breeders' rights
    4. Copyright

  3. Which level of government administers intellectual property in Canada?
    1. Provincial government
    2. Government of Canada
    3. Municipal government
    4. United Nations

  4. Does a patent in Canada protect my rights in other countries?
    1. No
    2. Yes, in the United States
    3. Yes, in the United Kingdom
    4. Yes, everywhere

  5. How long is a patent effective?
    1. 5 years from the date the application was first filed
    2. 10 years from the date the application was first filed
    3. 20 years from the date the application was first filed
    4. 15 years from the date the application was first filed

  6. Is trade-mark registration mandatory?
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Yes, if the trade-mark is a word
    4. Yes, if the trade-mark is a symbol

  7. How do I register a copyright?
    1. You must file an application with the Trade-marks Office
    2. You must file an application with the Patent Office
    3. You must file an application with the Registrar of Integrated Circuit Topographies
    4. You must file an application with the Copyright Office

  8. To which of the following items does copyright not apply?
    1. A novel
    2. A play
    3. The idea for a plot
    4. A magazine article

  9. How long does registration for an industrial design last?
    1. 20 years
    2. 30 years
    3. 10 years
    4. 40 years

  10. How do I obtain integrated circuit topography protection?
    1. You can obtain protection by submitting an application to the Registrar of Integrated Circuit Topographies
    2. You can obtain protection by submitting an application to the Patent Office
    3. You can obtain protection by submitting an application to the Trade-marks Office
    4. You can obtain protection by submitting an application to the Copyright Office


  1. a
  2. d
  3. b
  4. a
  5. c
  6. b
  7. d
  8. c
  9. c
  10. a
