HyperTalk - Exam Prep Study Guide


HyperTalk Basics

Set the user level to scripting

HyperTalk and scripts

What are messages?

Handling messages

The message-passing order

Writing message handlers

Using parameter variables

Writing function handlers

The building blocks

Referring to objects

Add comments to a script

Sample Handlers

System Messages






Arithmetic operators

Comparison operators

Logical operators

String operators

Type and existence operators


Sample Multiple Choice Questions & Answers


  1. Which one of the following commands is equivalent to (lock messages)?
    1. set the lockMessages to true
    2. set the lockMessages to false
    3. set the lockMessage to true
    4. set the lockMessage to false

  2. Which one of the following commands is illegal?
    1. go next
    2. go to next
    3. go next cd
    4. goto next cd

  3. Which one of the following commands has a wrong syntax?
    1. put the English name of this cd into theName
    2. put the international name of this cd into theName
    3. put the short name of this cd into theName
    4. put the long name of this cd into theName

  4. What does comparison ("A" = "B") yield?
    1. false
    2. true
    3. 0
    4. 1

  5. What does function sin(0) return?
    1. 0.5
    2. 1
    3. 0
    4. -1


  1. a
  2. d
  3. b
  4. a
  5. c
