1996-09-10|Great Job Coach!
For Immediate Release
- Potentium Inc. today released its first product "Great Job Coach! Getting the Edge from Proven Winners". The book on Sports Science describes various aspects of how expert coaches got to the top of their field and how they remained there. This is the first book of its kind that gives a voice to Canadian expert coaches such as Jack Donohue, Dave King, and 20 other proven winners. They describe in colorful language the knowledge, strategies and communication skills that are used with international and national level athletes. The book is written in plain English citing vivid quotations from the coaches. It is useful for developing coaches, parents with talented children, and for athletes who wish to gain insights on the coaching process.
- The author, Dr. John Salmela, is a professor at University of Ottawa in Ottawa (Ontario) CANADA. He is an internationally recognized scholar and practitioner in the field of Sport Psychology for over 25 years. His research has spanned the fields of talent identification in sport as well as the development of expertise both in performers as well as in coaches. His practical experiences include a 20 year relationship with the Gymnastics Canada Gymnastique as a performance consultant as well as a lecturer in Canada, the United States, Brasil, all of Western Europe, Israel, Egypt, India, Singapore, Nepal, Iran and Australia. He is a prolific publisher with over 100 articles, 13 books and numerous presentations. He is fluent in English and French.
- The on-line text can be purchased chapter-by-chapter via First Virtual™ Internet Payment System, and the book can be ordered on-line from the Potentium: The Coaching Network™ web site, which is a part of HyperInfo Knowledge Power Centre <http://WWW.HyperInfo.CA/>.
- Potentium Inc., headquartered in Ottawa (Ontario) CANADA, specialises in Coaching and Sports Psychology. Its Home Page on the Internet World-Wide Web is at the following URL.
- Please direct comments to the following E-mail address.
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