1997-02-23|Coaching Discussion Forum
For Immediate Release
- Potentium: The Coaching Network™ announced today the creation of the Coaching Discussion Forum. The objective of this E-mail list is to have an on-line Discussion Forum for Coaching and Sport Psychology. Please feel free to circulate this message to anybody who might be interested.
- If you received this message directly from RoboCoach@HyperInfo.CA, you are already subscribed to the Coaching Discussion Forum. If not, all you have to do is to visit the Ask the Coach page on the Potentium web site <http://WWW.Potentium.CA/>, and click the "Subscribe" button.
- If you are an E-mail user but do not have access to the World-Wide Web, or your web browser does not have the form capability, you can simply send an empty message mailto:RoboCoach@HyperInfo.CA with the following.
- The unmoderated Coaching Discussion Forum will enable the coaches to interact with one another and share the experiences. The E-mail AutoResponder will automatically forward a single message sent to RoboCoach@HyperInfo.CA to the entire list of subscribers. The system will filter out administrative messages such as the following.
- Subject: Help
- Subject: Subscribe
- Subject: Unsubscribe
- Potentium Inc., headquartered in Ottawa (Ontario) CANADA, specialises in Coaching and Sports Psychology. Its Home Page on the Internet World-Wide Web is at the following URL.
- Please direct comments to the following E-mail address.
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